Six Principles of Sexual Health



 Have you ever thought that the word exploitation applies to your sexual behaviors?


Exploitation is not a soft or kind word. Sexual exploitation is a human behavior that becomes possible when a person with more power is willing to take advantage of the power difference to get what they sexually want. Some people start with exerting their power difference to get the outcome they want and when their sexual exploitation attempts fail they choose to cross over into the sexual nonconsent zone to forcibly and often violently get the something they sexually wanted.


 Most people do not strive to become skilled at sexual exploitation.


The ruthless brutality of sexually exploitative power compromises a person’s ability to give their full consent to sex. People under a person’s exploitation influence may place themselves in more danger if they chose to say no to the sexual exploiter. Taking advantage of a less mentally capable person or a person in a cognitively impaired state crosses the line into sexual exploitation. Intoxication is often used as an “excuse” to cross the sexual nonexploitation principle.


The most common form of sexual exploitation between partners in a sexual relationship is when one or both partners unilaterally changes the assumed or clearly stated couples’ sexual agreement. (This is usually called an affair, infidelity, cheating, stepping out, or betrayal). The exploitative behavior is the cover-up, the denial, the pretending this did not happen and taking advantage of their partner’s trust.
